Butt Exercise for Men

When we talk about weight training, it is something that is unique or more common to women. However, glute exercises for men are also necessary for good physical activity. If you want to go to the gym to get a strong and flexible body, you should include a variety of balance exercises in your workout routine.

In this article, we will tell you all the characteristics and the best glute exercises for men.


1 Glute training

2 Glute exercises for men

3 Essential Men's Glute Exercises

4 How to improve the results

Glute training

The first thing we need to know is the buttocks. They are a group of 3 muscles formed by the gluteus maximus, middle and minor. Although we believe that it does not only have an aesthetic purpose, it is involved in many activities and daily activities. We add to this that it has an aesthetic function and has become one of the areas of great interest in training. Not only women should have a good butt in terms of beauty, but also men.

It is common to find that men skip regular workouts because they are too busy or feel like they are not making enough progress. The factor that must be taken into account when training buttocks, like muscles, is food. We can't gain muscle in the long term if we don't have a caloric surplus in our diet. This means eating more calories than we use each day. When you consider that the basic calorie consumption is higher than the total expenditure, you will gain weight not only in muscle but also in fat.

However, this body fat can be removed from the caloric deficit phase in which we perform a definition process. This is where the muscles will become more defined and the percentage of body fat will decrease.

Glute exercise for men

The gluteal muscles are often weakened by all the hours we spend. Therefore, it is interesting to do physical exercises before doing male exercises. For example, we can do knee flexion exercises and repeat the pelvis several times. This is where we sign forwards and we're going to do 10 back-to-back series.

Anteversion and retroversion of the pelvis This is the most used in Pilates but it is interesting to master it before starting. Retroversion is necessary to use the gluteus because the pelvis must always be up. Pushing back and forth is the key to exercise. Not only do you need to do squats and deadlifts, which are the most common exercises used in any athlete's workout. They are two excellent options that will help you tone the gluteus in addition to other leg muscles such as the quadriceps and hamstrings.

Essential Men's Glute Exercises

We will now make a summary of the list of exercises for men that are essential and should be in the whole routine:

  • Participation: This exercise is known as the Hip Thrust and can be used without weight, with a band, or with an elastic band, among others. It's a relatively versatile exercise with excellent results. It is performed by lifting the pelvis with a rotation of the pelvis, a straight stomach, and keeping the knees at 90 degrees. It is necessary to stay at least one or two seconds above chasing the gluteus.

  • Glute number: It is made of an elastic band around the knee and only our weight is used, / or the elastic band. The procedure is the same as for the Hip Thrust.

  • Hip-quadruped extension: Like the previous exercise, it can be done without weights, with elastic bands, or sometimes with a machine known as a multiplier. It is often used with elastic bands. You need to keep your stomach in and your lower back neutral to avoid injury.

Another interesting exercise for the core is the floor curl or TRX curl. It is one of the exercises that have the greatest activation of the hamstrings and the gluteal joint. We can do this with your life on your background and also with leg extension with compression and lowering. This method is a bit more complicated but allows for some progress over time. One of the most important aspects to take into account in the essential gluteal exercises is the placement of forward bends. Knowing that we improve technique and progress in practice, we should be aware of changes in training

How to improve the results

The deadlift and squat are essential exercises for any leg routine. And they engage multiple muscle groups namely the hamstrings, quads, and glutes. The squat is a perfect exercise that can help improve the butt in a unique way. The same is true of dead bodies. The problem with these exercises is that they have a difficult technique. For beginners, it is recommended to approach a specialist at any time to correct the posture. They are exercises with a wide variety of improvements and advanced overloads can be easily installed.

With the results obtained from these two exercises, we will not only improve our butt but also our entire leg.

To understand how to improve glute exercise results for men, we must understand mechanical stress, metabolic stress, and muscle damage. They are the most important changes that are responsible for the development of hypertrophy. In order to establish effective mechanical tension, you must maintain exercises that have fewer repetitions and high loads and others that have more repetitions with low loads. In this way, we will ensure the recruitment of high-level engines. These motor units help the activation and proliferation of satellite cells that are responsible for nuclear dollars to improve the translation of proteins and increase the stimulation of synthesis. Protein.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about what is the best exercise for men.