The Breakthrough in Muscle Building: How to Get It

When it comes to building muscle, many people struggle to see the results they desire. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting out, knowing how to push past your limits and achieve the breakthrough you're looking for can be difficult. But fear not, there are steps you can take to help make it happen.

One of the most important things you can do to see results in muscle building is to be consistent in your workout routine. This means setting a schedule and sticking to it, even when it's tough. The body responds best to consistent, regular exercise, so you do it at the gym or your home gym regularly.

How To Build Lean Muscle Faster Than Ever And Finally Get The Body You Want!

How To Build Lean Muscle Faster Than Ever And Finally Get The Body You Want!

What is Muscle Building?

Building muscle involves increasing the size of muscle cells within the body. This process is known as hypertrophy. And here's how it works:

When you exercise with resistance, whether it's gravity for push-ups or weights for bench presses, signals from your brain travel to movement neurons within the affected muscle cell. When these signals are received, the neurons fire, causing the muscle to contract and relax.. This drives the muscles to generate the desired movement. The higher the demand, the more neurons are recruited for the purpose.

The Breakthrough in Muscle Building

When this happens, a new adaptation occurs at the cellular level within the muscle. The tension to which the cells are subjected causes tears in their microfibre. This damage causes the release of a type of molecule that is designed to repair cells. These molecules, called cytokines, stimulate the muscle cell's rebuilding immune system.

Repetition of these jerks and rebuilds will create an increase in muscle mass. To maintain the stimulation of new muscle, however, you must impose high-stress levels and tension on the muscle fibers.

Researchers previously thought that muscle growth was caused by a process known as hyperplasia, in which the body's number of muscle cells increased.  But now they know it's not about that. Hypertrophy, created by the constant increase in the level of tension and stress in the muscle, is the only way to build mass.

How to add tension

Many people make the mistake of believing that the only way to add tension is to increase weight. This often leads to a superficial fit and a worry about having to lift more and more weight. We have to keep in mind that the muscle doesn't know how much weight is on the bar. All he knows is the amount of stress he gets. So while adding weight is the primary way to add tension, you should never do it at the cost of poor form.

You can also increase the tension by reducing the rest time between each set. This shortens the recovery time for the working muscle, forcing it to do more work in less time. By maintaining 30-60 seconds of rest between sets, you will increase the tension of your workout.

Another way to increase tension is to slow down the reps. This is especially important in the sag or runout portion of the rep. Researchers confirm that the longer we lengthen the eccentric phase, the more muscle stress we get. Try the cadence of holding up for 2 seconds, then 4 seconds lowering to really push your muscles.

Full body workout

For the first few months of your muscle-building career, you should train your body as a whole. This will allow you to focus on a combination of exercises that provide maximum hypertrophy power as it allows you to lift heavy while engaging multiple muscle groups. You should only train three times a week, with at least one rest day in between, and with sets in a decreasing rep pattern (12/10/8 reps per set), adding weight to each set.

Here is an example of a full-body workout:

Squats 4 x 12/10/8/8

Lunges 3 x 12

Pull-ups on the prone grip 4 x until exhaustion

Bench Press 4 x 12/10/8/8

Deadlifts 4 x 12/10/8/8

Barbell Curl 3 x 8

Close grip bench press x 8

Split card workout

After a few months of training, you will have built a foundation of mass. Then it's time to start shaping and defining every single muscle. This is achieved by dividing the body into training zones. A typical breakdown looks like this…

Day one:


Day Two


Day Three

Legs/ Deltoids

Day Four


Day Five


What else is needed for muscle growth?

Your body relies not only on induced stress to grow. Without the correct nutrients and an adequate level of rest and recovery, your muscle fibers will never mend and you will be in a state of constant catabolism (muscle loss). The key nutrient for muscle is protein, which provides amino acids as cell-building material. The branched-chain amino acids leucine, valine, and isoleucine are especially important in this process.

The repair of our muscle tissue occurs mostly when we are at rest and especially when we sleep. We should also allow the working muscle to recover before stressing it again. That's why you should wait at least 48 hours before putting the same muscle to work again.


Building muscle is essentially a simple process, but not an easy one. It is concerned with applying the maximum amount of controlled stress to the muscles in order to cause micro-tears in the muscle fibers, then providing nutrients to allow for natural repair and rebuilding. As long as you give your body the right nutrients, especially in the form of protein, and give it plenty of time to rest, it will continue to grow bigger and stronger than it was. Keep doing it consistently, making sure that the stress increases progressively, and you will have created the conditions for having the biggest and strongest muscle possible.